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Clubs Information

Book with a preferred Hotel

Book online or call (800) 216-1876

Host a Club Gathering During One of Our Events

Carlisle Events hosts many of the top automotive shows in the country and a large part of our success comes from the energy, passion and excitement of our car clubs. This year, hundreds of clubs will compete for various prizes and awards. As part of bringing your club to an event at Carlisle, you instantly become part of one of the most enjoyable automotive outings in the region. Clubs are monitored and hosted by our knowledgeable, professional staff; all working in conjunction with your group for timely coordination and to ensure an enjoyable weekend.


Become a Carlisle Officially Recognized Club

Make it official. Fill out our Car Club submission form at the link below and get in the running to be recognized.

If your club is already listed on the club dropdown menu when registering for the Showfield (, you do not need to fill this out.

Submit a Club

Host Your Club Events at Carlisle

Contact us today to host your club meets at Carlisle’s events. Many regional
and national clubs let Carlisle do the work by holding their club meets during
events at the Carlisle Fairgrounds. We'd love to talk with you about holding
and hosting yours! To hear from our Event Managers, please reach out to us
today. Email or call 717-243-7855 to speak with an
Event Manager at Carlisle.

Carlisle Coolest Club Program

The Coolest Club Hangout Award is presented to a Club participating in the
Club Tent Program with the most creative Club Tent display. In addition to the
display you must also be an example of what Carlisle Events is all about
HAVING FUN! The Coolest Club Hangout award is a banner for your Club to
proudly display at Carlisle, at your home gatherings and at any other events
your group attends.

Carlisle Tent Program

Tent rentals are available at most specialty events to use as your club
headquarters. We also offer free or discounted tents to clubs who register a
specific number of Showfield cars as a way of showing our appreciation for club participation. The tent program is based on car club Showfield registration by the Gate-N-Go deadline and is at the sole discretion of event management. Contact
us at 717-243-7855 to check participation levels and availability details.

Carlisle Club Challenge

Are you up for the challenge - the Club Challenge that is? Carlisle Events challenges
all clubs to show their strength in numbers. Come one, come all and
the top three clubs (based on number of registered show vehicles) are recognized
Saturday afternoon at the event. Further, the top three also get a special
banner which can be displayed when you come back to Carlisle, or with your
club at other events. Contact us today for more details.